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1.The organization has been changed to be more applicable for an introductory course while retaining the risk management framework that makes this book unique in the market.

2.Expanded topics include: basics of risk management; types of risk facing businesses and individuals; risk identification and measurement; loss control, enterprise risk management, and traditional commercial insurance contracts.

3.Updated Real-World boxes that include articles from journals and the business press to illustrate the concepts presented in the chapters.

4.Provides students with a conceptual framework for a) making risk management and insurance decisions to increase business value and individual welfare, b) understanding insurance contracts and institutional features of the ins★大推urance industry, and c) understanding the effects of and rationale for public policies that affect risk and its allocation.

5.Provides students with broad knowledge of business risk management and public policy issues, in order to better prepare students for their future roles as managers and citizens.

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